Sunday, August 22, 2010


Imagine a time when there is no internet, little or no non-MOR radio, two music papers and a nation of 52 miliion people. John Peel was on at 10pm for 2 hours 3 nights a week and Everyone one under the age of 25 listened and/or taped each program. So most people in the UK had a copy of Red Pony on a cassette, and , when the Triffids' session (with the definitive version of  "Field of Glass") aired they were home and dry. I often wonder about the bands that Peel didnt like....they simply would not ever progress outside their hometown/bedrooms.

Triffids, Jacksons Lane Community Centre, 1984
 Anyway at this time I had no intention/desire to even visit australia let alone move there, my sister had come back from her travels downunder with a neanderthal sheep shearing fiancee and all the music previously had been carefully "filed" in the RawCK bucket. But it was hard to resist the romantic notion of treeless plains and lonesome roads when walking up Shoot-up hill in a sleety Cricklewood November, and there was something about that singers voice that grabbed you by the curlies.
Of course that singer died , broke and forgotten , most australian bands are still playing Rawck and the reality of Australiana aint so pretty up close.

This show was an old church in Islington? (sly google..okay: Archway) and the acoustics and vibe were perfect for an awesome band at their best.....

Triffids - Beautiful waste

Triffids, Jackson Lane, 1984
Lonesome Hobo,
Bright Lights Big City,
Property Is Condemned,
My Baby thinks Shes a Train,
Wrong Turn,
Jesus Calling,
Red Pony,
Beautiful Waste,
Raining Pleasure,
Monkey on my Bike (sic),
Field of Glass
Field of Glass (cont),
I Cant Help Falling In Love With You,
Branded for Life,
Dont Miss Your Water.


  1. Cheers for sharing this, I'd never come across this live set before. A great band and a wonderful songwriter, sadly missed.

  2. Thanks for putting this up.
    The correct names for the gig list are below:

    Side 1

    I Am A Lonesome Hobo
    Bright Lights, Big City
    Property Is Condemned
    My Baby Thinks She Is A train
    Lonely Stretch
    Jesus Calling Me
    Red Pony
    Beautiful Waste
    Raining Pleasure
    Monkey On My Back
    Field Of Glass

    Side 2

    Field Of Glass (cont'd)
    I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You
    You Don’t Miss Your Water
