Blixa was on form the night I taped this at Heaven , a gay club under the arches of charing cross bridge, with some of that trademark diabolical vocal chord abuse. I dont recall much about the gig, and going from my slurred commentary thats probly due to over medication on the night.
Were the tickets were really expensive? so it may have been a secret/special show. Either ways the set is over long and peters out a bit, of the songs I know, none were given great deliveries.
Einsturzende Neubaten: Letztes Biest (am Himmel)
The one Einsturzende gig I will never forget though is the infamous double header with Showaddywaddy (youtube at your peril kids). Just down the road from Cricklewood in county Kilburns largest guinness barn. Some Bizarre indeed.
02-Sep-85 UK London,Heaven
Side 1. Halber Mensch/ Der Tod ist ein Dandy/ Zeichnungen des Patienten O.T./ ?/ Letztes Biest (am Himmel)/ Abfackeln!/ Yü-Gung (fütter mein Ego)/ Negativ Nein/ Vanadium-I-Ching/
Side 2. Armenia/ Die genaue Zeit/ Sehnsucht/ Spaltung (a.k.a. Armenisch Bitter)/ ?/ Zerstörte Zelle/ Sand.